
Showing posts from 2007


  Here's one of the standard MS photos posted using Picasa. Very easy.

Top 10 Productivity Hacks - #7 | zen habits

Top 10 Productivity Hacks - #7 | zen habits Here's a useful site for productivity and motivation hacks passed to me by one of my colleagues today.

"This page contains..."

I kept getting the message "This page contains both secure and nonsecure items"...with the need to keep clicking dialog boxes. I thought the problem was with the web site (and maybe it is) but it can be fixed in Internet Explorer. Here's the cure . Thanks Leo!

BBC News | SCI/TECH | Church grapples with hi-tech dilemma

BBC News SCI/TECH Church grapples with hi-tech dilemma This is an old story (2002) and it would be interesting to see how things have moved on. In my church we make extensive use of technology - all our songs and liturgy are projected in most services, we use PowerPoint (oh well), DVDs and have used Skype video links in services, weddings and funerals. We try to be sensitive to needs and not overuse technology but so far it seems to be very much appreciated in asssisting worship and teaching.

About me

I work part-time for a church in a technology management role. This includes looking after a computer network, web sites, and AV equipment. In this blog I plan to post my observations and learnings from using technology in a spiritual context.